Emergency Management
North Carolina Emergency Management works to enhance the state's resiliency by actively collaborating, communicating and coordinating to prevent, mitigate, respond and recover from disasters. The agency deploys state resources when needed, and coordinates with neighboring states and the federal government to augment staffing and resources. NCEM also administers state and federal grants, manages multi-agency response to disasters, oversees all hazards and threat risk management, coordinates regional hazard mitigation plans, facilitates trainings and exercises, and manages assets such as the regional hazmat response and search-and-rescue teams. In addition, the agency develops and maintains flood maps for each county in North Carolina and maintains the official survey database for the state. NCEM also manages the state's Homeland Security program.
Contact NC Emergency Management
Street Address:
1636 Gold Star Drive
Raleigh NC 27607
Mailing Address:
4236 Mail Service Center
Raleigh NC 27699-4236
Main Switchboard - 919-825-2500
24-Hour Watch Center - 919-733-3300 OR 800-858-0368